I've been told by many that I ought to write some of my "NYC experience" stories into a book perhaps I may someday but where to begin? Some stories are easy like the story about the musician or the horrible tale of the evil blood sucking creatures of the night (also known as 'bad blood and bed bugs'). Other stories take a little more work to craft into interesting snippets of life.
I've been thinking about where to begin and what to discuss in this blog here with you... I could discuss health, the restaurant biz, life with a cute puppy or perhaps I could even write a Carrie Bradshaw-esque blog on the life and times of a single girl in the city. I have stories to tell that involve being dumped at 4am via text message. Or how it took over three days and three very long conversations to end things with someone I'd known for less than a month. I could talk about bachelorette parties, bull riding, bartenders, fabulous ladies, and skeezy men. But unlike Carrie whose fictional existence revolves around those interactions between men, friends, and the city - I don't find that any of those moments are central to me or my life in the city. I am not a carrie...
I feel those crazy evenings out are like fancy throw pillows - they add some color, texture, and shape to life but at the end of the day you still throw them on the floor in order to go to sleep. The pictures end up on facebook in an odd sort of mutilated patchwork quilt of craziness that blankets the heart of all other accomplishments. When you work so hard to create a professional life how do you balance the personal in between - what stories do you tell in which you can be salacious and intriguing yet respectable and strong. It's an interestingly fine line women walk in New York City. We struggle to be independent, strong, and capable during the day and then at night we are expected to be slinky, coy, and free spirited. Where does this duality leave us? and How does technology play a role in our ability or inabilty to keep these two worlds separate? Perhaps I am a Carrie... since in pondering this issue I find this is a subject I could discuss in depth were it not already almost 2am. However, for now, it is now my intent to "go to the mattresses" (I just had to pick the bedding allusion back up) and fight to find the best foundation or springs for my bed of life and to tell those stories as best I can and then I will add in the throw pillows and a quilt or two just for decoration.
I hope my ramblings are at least somewhat coherent and if not oh well I will just have to fix that later with a much better more intriguing story...
1 comment:
Awesome blog, Sharon! You're not only coherent but interesting -- and I'm reading this not in the middle of the night but while waking up with my morning coffee. You make some excellent observations, and you share your emotions well, in a way that makes me feel more connected with you even though we've been playing phone tag the past week! I look forward to reading more. Love you!
-- Mom
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